On repair

I haven't written in a while. Largely because I'm not sure my voice or thoughts really matter. And quite honestly, to the larger world, they don't. Let's get real with ourselves. Yet, to a small group who do read this, I think sometimes the words do matter. But most importantly, the writing process is deeply … Continue reading On repair

On mothering

It's been a while, my friends. Too long. Today is the annual day of celebration for mother's around the globe. I awoke at the ripe hour of 5 AM, made coffee, started reading a new book (which inspired this post), and am now writing this post - pretty rad start (now continuing after a brief … Continue reading On mothering

All the sad things

I'm not sure about you, but the past year has had a significantly higher incidence of sad things than all other years of my life. What makes something a "sad thing" you ask? A list of sad things: Cancer diagnosis Losing a parent (x3)Losing an aunt Losing a pet A very sick nephewLosing a job … Continue reading All the sad things

Savouring 2020

One way to enhance happiness is through the act of savouring. To savour is to reflect on the moments that brought you peace, joy or contentment, holding them in your mind's eye for a moment or two. This process helps to enhance the memory and also provides you with a positive hit of endorphins and … Continue reading Savouring 2020


"How have you learned to love in this one life?" This question comes from a recent read on near-death-experiences. I devoured at least four books on the subject a month or so ago; I literally couldn't put the books down. And in all of them, the central tenet was love. More specifically, experiencing pure love … Continue reading Forgiveness


"You don't have time. Time has you." The sands of time ~Dark (Netflix Original Series) This quote is written on the whiteboard on my fridge. It's already worn off once from the various brushes of hands writing other things, but has recently been re-etched. The profundity of this statement demands that it be written, read … Continue reading Time