“You are already more than enough”

If you’re an extremely perceptive, hard-core Live It Active blog reader, you will recognize this quote. In fact, you may even remember the blog post.

So why am I reusing it? Because it’s holiday season. And while we may in fact be extremely excited to see family, friends, the glow of a good bottle of red, or a favourite holiday treat, it can be a tough time for many. In fact, it can be a tough time for most. Not only are we dealing with the challenging dynamics of family (of which mine has a few…), perhaps a great loss – family member, friend or pet, but also, our ever-present, and often negative, inner monologue.

I received an email from my mindfulness guru last night. Some of you may remember my interview with Barbara Wilkinson. In her email, which she encourages us to read slowly / mindfully, she speaks about the holiday season and the emotions many of her clients express. While excited, many clients are also reminded of a sad or difficult time – the loss of a parent, the first Christmas without their child at home, an ailing friend.

It’s quite ironic – the time of year that is touted to be the happiest, is in fact, for some, the most difficult. When visiting with friends and family, we often are reminded of those who are absent.

With the year coming to a close, we may spend too much time reflecting on what wasn’t accomplished, the job we didn’t get, the house we couldn’t afford. We may evaluate the amount of time we volunteer, spend with friends, call our family, play with our children, exercise and eat healthy. And if we fail our self-examination we my call our self into question and start doubting our wonderfulness. This type of behaviour may not relegated to the holiday season, but is something we do more regularly.

I encourage you to stop. I encourage you to read the following words aloud, “I am already more than enough”.

While the holiday season may still pose many a challenge – a drunken sister, an angry brother, an emotional child (likely due to the never-ending blood sugar fluctuations), work to quiet the inner dialogue, work to give yourself a break. If you’ve recently experienced a loss in your life or the holiday season reignites grief and memories, work to quiet the inner dialogue, work to give yourself a break. You’re already dealing with so much. Why not be kind to yourself?

This holiday season, take time to reflect on the positive things that happened this past year. If it has been an unbelievably trying year, seek out even the smallest of joys. Perhaps a good dinner with friends, a fun afternoon at the office, a wonderful new pair of boots (hey, we all have our wants and likes!).

This holiday season, give yourself the gift of inner peace and acceptance. Remember, you are already more than enough.


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