How do YOU manage physical stress?

I spend a LARGE proportion of my day sitting at my computer. Whether I am writing a blog post, fixing up my resume or setting up a networking event/meeting, I do it seated in front of my lovely computer.

As the day progresses my shoulders start to ache, my lower back begins to tense, and my eyes start to feel strained. I’ve noticed that these aches and pains don’t necessarily abate upon my exit from the computer chair. In fact, my shoulder/back pain has been so bad that I now require regular massage.

OK, OK, enough about me. What about you? I am sure you have experienced some form of physical stress and/or are dealing with chronic pain. If you have experienced physical stress in the past I am interested to know you dealt (or deal) with it. If you could be so kind to answer the poll below, I would be extremely grateful.

If I missed your technique/strategy please email me at

This poll will be the first of many as I am very interested in learning about how you (my lovely readers) combat physical and psychological stress (poll coming Thursday).

Thank you!



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